Trading With The Brain In Mind

Steve Ward on “Self Awareness through Mindfulness” in Trading during the FXstreet International Traders Conference (ITS) in Barcelona:


Obviously I had heard about mindfulness but never in the context of trading. When Steve introduced me to the concept and the benefits in trading pretty much at the beginning of our coaching journey, I wasn’t too crazy about it.. okay, I have to admit – I hated it!!! I really struggled with the concept, it made me aggressive as my mind was like an unruly child going here and there just not finding the stillness. Poor Steve, I think I complained a lot about it (very unenlightened .. oops). But you see he has developed this step by step approach to tame unruly trader minds gently getting into the habit and how to make the most of the experience.

After only 3 months of really getting over myself and sticking with it no matter what and most importantly just trusting in the process (and my coach), I have become pretty good at it and I must say I today I totally love mindfulness ..don’t want to live without it anymore.. seriously..  it has made a massive impact not only on my trading performance and experience but also overall on my whole life.

Well, I hope you enjoy this little youtube clip

That’s why so many of us teach meditation. Because when you stop thought, you stop resistant thought. When you stop resistant thought, then you let it in. That’s why we teach appreciation, because when you’re in appreciation, you are not in the mode of resistance, and you are letting it in.
— Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Monday, August 13th, 2001 # 566

Also, check out Steve’s latest article on mindfulness:
